Online Google Sitemap Generator     -    Free !


Key features :
- Generates site-map files on-line
- Virtually unlimited* and easy to use.
- Extremely accurate. Joomla compatible!
- Free validator for generated Google sitemaps
- Checks websites for broken links
* dynamic page limit starts at 3,000+ & grows up based on available server resources. Check our current limit here.

Get your Google Sitemap now!

Enter your URL below (e.g.
by entering my URL above, I agree to the Terms & Conditions

Create free sitemap


Sitemap News:

  • Non www-subdomains are fully supported now!
  • Our FREE page limits have been increased!
  • The site map creator is now Joomla and JoomSEO compatible.

Google Sitemap basics

This type of a site map is nothing more then a list of URLs for your website put in an xml file (sitemap.xml) with a pre-defined structure. For example:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">


The sitemap example above contains 2 URLs and all of the allowed optional tags: <lastmod>, <changefreq> and <priority>.

Google developed the site-map technology back in 2005 and since that it has been accepted and adopted by all other major search engines and by the Internet community. The main idea was to make web-sites more "Crawler-friendly" which would help search engines to do their indexing more effectively. This also gives a web designer an unique opportunity to inform Google about pages on his/her site which might not be discovered otherwise. Google Sitemaps can also provide search engines with some useful additional parameters: for each URL the webmaster can specify last modify date, how frequently the page gets changed (change frequency), and relative page's importance (page priority).

Following XML standards guarantees that any search engines (all of them - not just Google!) will be able to process your Google site map on any on their systems no matter what kind of software or operating systems they use. For the same purposes the file itself must be UTF-8 encoded.

How to create Google Sitemap for free :)

Of course one can try to create a website map manually but it's not easy for big sites and you will run a risk of getting your site-map rejected by Google due to formatting, encoding and other possible issues: the sitemap protocol is very strict and has no room for errors.

To avoid such problems you can use our free sitemap tool that will generate your sitemap automatically and in real-time! To get your Google sitemap generated - simply type in your URL and on the next page make selections for 3 optional parameters - page changing frequency, last modified date and page priority. That it: you will see a progress bar and get you free sitemap.xml file generated shortly!

Why us? What makes our Google Sitemap Gen stand out?!

There are some other tools available in the Internet for creating sitemaps however they have too many limitations and/or require installation, or simply are not coming for free. Also not all of them are good in handling complex content and dynamic pages in particular.

Our Google Sitemap maker has been around for a while and has become a very mature tool. It is proven to generate valid XML sitemap accepted by Google and all other search engines. And again - all that is for FREE! So try it and check yourself how you like it! Hundreds of webmasters and web-developers have found it to be the most reliable Google Sitemap generator available and now use it to support their professional activities on a daily basis!

Also... if you happen to have dead links on your website, our Sitemap maker will detect those while creating Google sitemap, and will inform you of all the dead / broken links as well as the pages where those links were found! is a free XML Sitemap generator that lets you create unlimited sitemaps online. By using the website and its services you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, which shall take effect immediately on your first use of this website. You may not use services if you do not accept the terms.

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